Have you heard claims that club soda is an ideal solution for removing stains? We wondered if these claims were true, and so did the 107-year-old Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI). DLI conducted a study on this age-old remedy on 10 common food stains. Their findings were mixed.
Club Soda Study Findings
When applied immediately, blotting a spill with club soda removes some or most of the visible traces of the stain. However, analysis under ultraviolet light showed that the treatment did not completely remove any of the 10 stains. As a result, when left untreated, the stain residue became permanent over time or when the garment was cleaned.
When it comes to removing a common food stain, using it immediately on a stain, before it dries, can help. It does not, however, remove the entire stain. After the stain dries, applying club soda has virtually no effect.
The stain removal experts at DELIA'S Cleaners can remove the -�hidden-� residue of stains so they never become permanent. It is best if customers let us know when there is a stain so we don't miss it during our inspection process. If you do try club soda and the surface stain disappears, it is imperative to point out the area where the stain was and to let us know what caused it. This information helps us treat the stain properly and return your garment to a -�like-new-� appearance.
Additional Study Findings
The DLI found that there are some stains that should never be treated with club soda; it can cause the stain to dilute, spread and set further into the fibers of your garment. Never use club soda on non-food stains, bring them immediately to DELIA'S Cleaners for care and treatment. With 20 locations, we are ready to meet your every cleaning need.